Schools Workshops: Springfield school ~ Part 2a

Metal Work and History Boxes

We conducted history workshops in Springfield school working with local metalwork artist, Lucy Coyne. The children went on a history walk around the cutlery area in Broomhall and created cutlery drawings and a series of photographs of the area. They wrote letters to the children of the future about their ‘Broomhall’. After learning a series of metalwork skills they created a collection of ‘history boxes’ which included examples of their metalwork, metal transfers of local historical images and some of their photographs. These were then displayed on a large PVC map of the area.

“My favourite thing about this project called Our Broomhall is when we did the metal work with Lucy because art is really my thing and I love it!” (comment from school pupil)

See photo mosaics of the children’s history walk photos


This page was added by Gemma Clarke on 09/08/2015.

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