The Dickinson Family of Broomhall Place: Life at No. 27 ~ 3rd Aug 1911

Donated by Judith Galliac

Dickinson letter 2: 3 August 1911. Page 1
Photo: Judith Gaillac
Dickinson letter 2: 3 August 1911. Page 2
Photo: Judith Gaillac

Letter 2

Letters written by Edith Annie DICKINSON née MAITLAND of 27 Broomhall Place, Sheffield, to her elder daughter, Winifred Maitland DICKINSON (referred to as Freda in letters) during the summer of 1911.


27 Broomhall Place

August. 3. 1911

My Dear Freda

Thank you for your letter to Dad & myself you are having a grand time. I am very sorry to have to tell you that your dear sausage is dead (poisoned, it was ill for rather a long time on Tuesday & just as auntie was going to choir it came in very wet and miserable looking. We put it in the drawer; the little kittens had been crying for their mother, all the afternoon, but it would not stay with them. It ? to be very ill fast after seven & was in dreadful agony until it died about 10-0 clock. I shall never forget how it suffered it screamed with pain. I was in quite by myself, Nessie in bed of course, how I turned the kitten gas out I do not know, it was dead on the ? then I was glad when it died because it was out of its pain.

If Dad could find out who put poison down he would have them summoned, but I do not suppose we shall ever find out. Why don’t you send Grace a P.C. Nesta was a very proud girl this morning when her P.C. came.

We are doing our very best to teach the little kittens to lap but they have not much notion yet. The house seems very quiet without you all.

Auntie Nesta & I want to look at the Muirhead wedding, they were very grandly dressed but not so many there.

Give my love to Miss S. & V & with lots for yourself

From Mother 

Notes on the people referred to in the letter:

Dad: Frederick Percy Dickinson, journalist and a sub-editor of the Sheffield Telegraph

Sausage: The cat

Auntie: Katherine Lizzie Maitland her unmarried sister who also lived with the family at 27 Broomhall Place

Nessie: Nesta Mary Dickinson, younger daughter

Gran: Elizabeth Ann Maitland née Jones, her mother

Auntie Nesta: ?

Muirhead wedding: William Douglas Muirhead married Annie Schofield and they later emigrated to Canada and they were possibly the family living at 41 Broomhall Place on 1911 census

Miss S and V:  Probably the Misses Parkin, Freda was staying with in Cricklewood – see above

 See the next letter

This page was added by Jennie Beard on 21/12/2014.

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