Doris Hogan Diary: Saturday 1st January 1916

The start of a new year

Doris Hogan 1916 Diary: Memoranda and January 1st
Photo: Suzanne Cam


by Malcolm Lisle

“Saturday 1st” (January 1916)

Got up 10. Breakfast. Turkey and pork piece cooked. Busy hallway. Very windy. Washed feet. Fed animals. Den not been in to sleep. Band playing. Dinner 3.30. Grana got ready. Jess came 4.45. Faih, Jess & I to union. Helped to serve tea after. Good concert given by Mr. Morton, Revd. Mr. Smith said. Jess was Bambridge pale blue silk dress, I Useford dark blue cross dress. Home 10.30. Bed 12.30. Faih went to check masterpiece. Served pickles out to ham at the union.



“1916 Thank God”

“It is nice to be nice”

There is no road, though rough and steep
Without an end at last,
And every rock upon the way
by patience can be passed.
There are few human hearts too hard
For gentleness to win;
Somewhere a hidden chink appears
Where love may enter in.

S. S.

The way to Heaven.
Turn to the right and keep straight on.


To view the next pages of Doris’s diary click here.



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This page was added by Richard Freeston on 12/09/2014.

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