Broomhall Flats in the 1970s
Alan Billings and Mandy Bryce interviewed

Alan Billings discusses Broomhall Flats

Mandy Bryce discusses Broomhall Flats
Alan Billings, vicar of St Silas church in the 1970s talks about the Broomhall Flats. These formed a large part of his parish – albeit on the other side of the Ring Road dual carriageway.
Unfortunately the flats were not a great success: problems soon developed with condensation, damp, pharaoh ants and poor quality concrete. In the 1970s the Council were forced to re-house people, demolish the flats, and replace with a social housing based on a much-improved design.
Mandy Bryce can remember many meetings with residents of the flats, and helped set up a Tenants Association which tried to address the issues.
This page was added by Jennie Beard on 06/05/2015.
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