Project Finale Event 2015

The ‘Finale Event’ took place in March 2015 and saw the Broomhall community saying goodbye to Jennie, the Project Manager for Our Broomhall project, Sharon the Manager of the Broomhall Centre and Linsey from the Broomhall Forum as they move on to new beginnings leaving behind them a fantastic legacy as the event itself showed. Jennie showcased, through a presentation, the highlights of the Our Broomhall heritage project and the things that ‘we didn’t know before but we know now.’

The event brought together the community of Broomhall who had took part in this project whether as a volunteer, someone donating photographs and memorabilia or even being interviewed for an oral history film. There was good food and lots of laughter and about 150 people came to the event over the process of the evening so it was a great success!

Shown below is a gallery of pictures from the event:


This page was added by Gemma Clarke on 05/08/2015.

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